A newly released Mecca Bingo advertisement showcasing British drag performer Baga Chipz was prohibited in the United Kingdom due to concerns of “irresponsibility.” The promotional material on Instagram displayed two juxtaposing pictures of Baga Chipz accompanied by the phrases “When you haven’t engaged in Mecca Bingo” and “When you have.” The initial image presented Baga in everyday attire with understated cosmetics and a solemn demeanor, while the subsequent image portrayed the dazzling queen beaming in a vibrant ensemble while holding a champagne flute. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) of the UK determined that the advertisement “suggested that participating in gambling could elevate personal attributes or boost self-worth,” which contravenes the guidelines established by the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) code.
The United Kingdom’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) determined that a promotional piece from Mecca Bingo was not appropriate, as it insinuated that engaging in gambling activities could enhance an individual’s perception of themselves or boost their confidence.
Although the ASA recognized that individuals acquainted with drag culture might grasp the advertisement’s intended meaning, the overarching message conveyed the notion that participating in gambling could result in an improved self-image.
The ASA reached the verdict that the advertisement is prohibited from being displayed again in its present format and has engaged in discussions with Mecca Bingo regarding the prevention of analogous concerns in subsequent campaigns.